Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ham Balls and Cheesy Potatoes

Ok... You get two recipes with this one because it is one of our favorite meals... and they just go together. I know a couple of you already have this recipe, but I hope the rest of you enjoy it as much as my family does! The ham balls came out of the Newton Christian School cookbook from 1993... and they have stuck with my family ever since... My sister Amy got the cheesy potato recipe, but I will claim them because they are my favorite! YUMM.... Enjoy this delicious meal!

Ham Balls
1 lb hamburger
2 lbs ground pork
1 1/2 c crushed graham crackers = 1 pkg
2 eggs beaten
1 1/2 c milk

1 can (10.75oz) tomato soup
1 1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c apple cider vinegar 
1 tsp dry mustard

Combine the meats together. Add crackers, eggs and Milk. Make into 12 balls and place into a 9x13 pan. mix all the ingredients together for the sauce, pour over the meat balls. Bake at 350 for 1 1/2 hours. Re-sauce balls 2 times during baking... I do this every half hour.

No while the ham balls are baking for their first half hour assemble the Cheesy Potatoes.

Cheesy Potatoes
1 bag shredded hash browns
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 can milk
1/4 c butter
8oz Sour Cream
8oz Shredded cheddar cheese
onion flakes
corn flakes - put on at the end

Spray a 9x13 pan. Combine all ingredients except corn flakes and place into the sprayed pan. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Sprinkle corn flakes on top after the hour and bake 5 more minutes. These can bake the rest of the hour with the ham balls so then they are done together. Enjoy!

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